Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm Not Dead, I Promise

I've been making sweet treats. Note the classy dinosaur sprinkles.
I know I've gone into blog hibernation (blibernation? Hiberblogtion?) this past two weeks, but don't think that that means I wasn't thinking about all of you.  Quite the contrary, I thought of you all often and would then plan to write and then sit down at my computer and inevitably either fall asleep or get caught up watching Downton Abbey (if you haven't watched it yet, go to Netflix Instant immediately and watch it.  You won't be sorry).  I promise to do better in the future.

Now, let's get right down to it, can you believe it is March already? March is going to kick my ass, I can tell you this right now.  First off, I begin a 2 week stretch of teaching tiny kinder people tomorrow (we will be learning about mountains together, it should be a hoot).  Next, I head out to Chicago for a week of galavanting and meeting/schoomzing/ass-kissing with potential employers (My darling Marissa Schwartz will be there as well, so it all comes out in a wash, really).  Then The North Pool, my favorite show of the season, opens and I go on a whirlwind tour of the valley to prep students to see this show.  And let us not forget The Violet, who's first issue comes out around the end of the month (did you notice the fancy new button?  Thanks, Camilla, for making it look so lovely).  All in all it should be a great, busy month that I am looking forward to.  What is the saying?  I've posted about it before?  "March comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb."  It has never been proven to me to be true, but perhaps things will be different this time.  I have high hopes.  In fact, I spent tonight making yummy, teensy cupcakes (see above).  Any month that starts with baking can't be that bad.

What does March hold for you?

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